Thank You

To the many who dropped, and continue to do so,
seeds of wisdom, love, friendship and learning:
Mindy, Jacob, Ben Avi, Boodha of course, Dad, Mom, Dena, Ely, Michael, M. Fagin, Y. Posner, M. Koch, T. Hogan (always there), C. E. Boles, Curtis Besinger, Ludwig von Beethoven, C. Thyssen, E. Thyssen, R. Lovland, Jim Morrison, P. Metheny, B. Berkebile, the Hawk that sat outside my window, M. Bloom, Rachel Berlman, Bernard Gately, Jack London, Andy Bettman, D. Luckey, John Heider, Mr. Wright, George Nakashima, Alvar Aalto, J. Visser, Bill W. & Dr. Bob, M. Weiner, J. Wright (where are you?), J. "Flash" Fleisher, Ken Kern, Charles Kilgen III (friends forever), L. Mooney, L. Chirea, that deer who came to my house, R. Beegle, Abrham L. Hess, Helen Auerbach, Henry Hess, O. Mountain Oak, H. Daniel, Rav Fleisher, A. Bornstein, Rav S. Talve, Rav J. Goodman, D. Hollander, T. Woolsey, B. Benjamin, Paul Keebler, Basho, Bruce Goff, M. O'Connor, J. Page, the doctors and staff at Children's Hospital St. Louis, Anne J., P. Chodron, J. Flotken, Joelle (a soul true to herself), Helen P., D. Droege, Kate P., Dr. P. Smith, Anais Nin, Oriah Mountain Dreamer, M.J. Colagiovanni, Ghandi, J. Adorney (music that healed), G. Black, Verlee Lamb Clark, J. Fitzgerald, B.K.S. Iyengar, Gefen, S. Schwartz, D. Polinsky and many new friends lately and all of those anonymous souls on the path.
I am deeply indebted to my spiritual advisor, Victor, who has opened my eyes to love, peace, especially forgiveness and the courage to live within and cherish life as it is.

And my apologies to those that I may have not remembered.

21 June 2013

Science and Religion

They are not opposites. We often place them in that box. That too, is indicative of our quest to understand. We have a need to know, to wonder, to question. Ok!

As the herd migrates for the winter do they question why they do so? Or is it that we like to think they must question the unknown just as we do? We are human beings. They are animals.

I once read the Torah from cover to cover. A feat that I will not repeat, but it was fun. I came away from that experience changed. I think during those times of history that extraordinary things occurred. It was a time when there were few who were able to record it in writing and able to pass on that which was not written via memory.

Yet, as the acts of investigation progress we’re beginning to unravel events that can be explained by evidence. Now we seem to have evidence of how the sea parted. Will these discoveries lead us to eventually understand how Moses could have actually met G-d at Sinai? Or that we will understand how Jesus could have risen? Or that there actually was a Siddhartha known as the Buddha?

So, for today, I ask: Why spoil the fun?

What I mean is don’t we all benefit from faith? Some require an “organized” religion. Some are content investigating until we “understand”. Yet, when all else fails, do we not find peace when we surrender? When we surrender there are no limits. None. Try it. But you must have faith.

19 March 2013


While walking Boodha we wandered into a back alley for a variation on our walk. Perhaps to see another side of life instead of the typical sidewalk and suburban stroll. As we passed a very small and deteriorating garage, I looked up and perched within the gutter, with it's head looking out over the edge, was a dove watching us. We stopped walking and held eye contact with the dove.....the wind ceased.....all was still and quiet like the inside of a we continued to look into each other. We remained as such for the longest of time.

Dan Millman's "There is never nothing going on" came to mind.  This time an animal presented us with the reality of a moment.

I am grateful for times like this.